
Please Note... Advertising Sucks!!!

Okay, so the book is published... you can download it free, today only!!! So that part is done... now to find readers!  Oh my... it's like finding a virtual needle in a haystack!  I mean I'm giving it away and people aren't taking it... then on top of that I try to fix the cover and description and none of it is working!  ARGH!!!

Anyhoo, missed class today for an interview, this was interview #2.  I was so confident "I got this in the BAG!' - Or so I thought... LOL he set me up for another interview!  It's okay tho, I think I'll be ready!  I'll have to miss a class again tomorrow though.  I am getting so behind on everything! It's making me sick how much work I have piled up, and you know me... well not really yet... but the more that piles up, the more I don't want to do it.  Aaaaaah... I've learned to force myself to do things I don't want to, so I'll figure it out. :-)

Done with today... time to catch up on homework!
