
Hallelujah!!!  I just finished editing the final changes to the book!  I decided to go with it as a trilogy!  There is so much that I have seen and been through.  Too much to add to just one book!  So I'm going to release the first part as an introduction to my life.  Nothing major happens, just small things here and there that led up to my being a homeless teenager.

I have the same fears as everyone... will it sell? Will people that download it like it?  I really hope so, otherwise book two won't be read... and that's the juicy one with everything in it.  I've had a few people read what I've written so far and they like it... but it's people I know, so of course they are going to be intrigued.  I need an honest opinion!  Besides, I have written and re-written it so much, I'm starting to miss some things!  I guess that's just one of the pains of self publishing!

Another new thing I decided to do was donate a portion of all proceeds to organizations that help foster kids and children on the streets.  Kids that can't speak up for themselves or provide for themselves like I had to.  This is a major deal for me... being able to give back to a community that helped me when I couldn't help myself!  I am so excited!

Well... it's three o'clock in the morning, and I have class tomorrow!  Tomorrow is also the day, I start the publishing process!  So, excited... I may not sleep... but I have to try...

Goodnight all!


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