
Late for class and to top it off...

Okay people are playing with my emotions... Buying my book and then refunding it!  I could choose to say a few choice words about that but... I won't.  At least they didn't refund AND give a bad review... Now I know what other author was talking about!  It's hard to get off the ground when you are new in the authoring business, but I have great hope and a positive outlook on the whole thing!

See my book is about me, and the way it's set up... I understand, people don't get it yet.  I set the first book very short... a cliff hanger, if you will.  So they may read the first book and go... WHAT?  or That's all???  So I do understand, because I purposely did it that way!  So, it's cool... I can shake the HATERS OFF.  I'm still selling, and that's what counts!  I just know I need to come with the second book pretty quick! LOL.  (That reminds me... I need to add a video to this post!)

Anyhoo, let's get to why I'm writing today.  I took a week off from school... middle of the semester... because I got really sick.  Couldn't for the life of me... or anyone else figure out what was wrong with me.  Of course it's me so, I'm overdramatic already as it is...  I was all over the emergency room.  I did everything short of bashing my own head in, my head was killing me something fierce!

The ER gave me antibiotics and pain killers.  A few days later I realized it was a tooth!  So I got the tooth pulled which led to more antibiotics and pain killers!  Finally, the next week, I'm back in school.  problem was, I missed a week's worth of school.  The issue then became, I had 7 days to make up 4 exams and study for another 4 exams that were coming due that week.  Talk about life totally sucking!

I think I pretty much failed the first four!  So I'm sulking this week!

On top of that the book isn't totally off the ground yet, so I need a job.  I finally got one, but guess what?!?!  I have to go through training and the training is 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE Of WHEN ALL OF MY CLASSES ARE!!!

Decision time... should I take the job and finish school when and how I can, or do I turn down the position and struggle to make ends meet (possibly losing my home and credit)?

What do you think?

Leave a comment!  Your help would be invaluable at this point!

Thanks guys... meanwhile, I'm off to class!


  1. I was looking for a poll...but I'll give my 2 cents...Take the job & finish your classes...If u lose your home & your credit goes down the toilet it's *really* rough recovering from that. Classes can be rescheduled & even taken again...jobs usu. aren't as flexible.

  2. CM, you are so right. I have been grueling over this for too long. The choice seems obvious, but I think I'm afraid of not finishing school. It's becomes so much more difficult when you're my age to go back.
