

FIRST CONGRATULATIONS TO OBAMA!  If you are my friend on Facebook, then you know that I have been aggressive in supporting him.  I have my reasons... not only policy but religious belief.  If you are a Mormon, I don't have anything against you personally, I just can't fathom some of the rituals, practices and beliefs you have.  I think they are just a little... okay a lot outrageous and anyone that can ascribe to some of those rituals and believe wholeheartedly in them should have some type of evaluation.  Reality check.  

Their marriage ceremony includes getting naked and going into a temple to talk to ANGELS?  SERIOUSLY?  Black people (yes that includes me) are aliens?  Seriously?  The secret golden magic scrolls some dude "supposedly" found in the 1800's trump the bible?  SERIOUSLY... you not only believe all that, but participate in these rituals?  Seriously? DID YOU REALLY SAY... "My family owned slaves, so it's part of my lineage to work closely with black people?" <== YES HE DID GO THERE!!!  And YOU want to RUN THIS GREAT COUNTRY?  OH I AM SO GLAD!  (I was worried I was gonna have to dig out some SPIRITUALS and find an apron if he got elected. )  This economy is seeded in REALITY not fantasy!  This is the only election in my life where I was actually GLAD someone lost!


On another note... I FINALLY got published in the premium catalog on http://www.smashwords.com!   It took FOReeeeeeeVER to get past the error messages that wouldn't allow me to get my book to the major platforms like Barnes and Noble, Nook, iTunes etc.  So that was a major milestone for me!  YAYY ME! I'm going to go over some tips and suggestions that I have found helpful for advertising in the next paragraph, so for those of you who are following along because you are trying to launch your book(s) as well... this one's for you!

Here goes nothin'!

The first thing I would suggest is following along on Joe Konrath's Blog: http://jakonrath.blogspot.com/ this is a seasoned writer, who is self published on Amazon.com as well as several other sites!  So far the information that I have received from his blog has been invaluable!

The second thing, since I had no knowledge of getting word of my books out to the world was I found a good best seller, in my genre, and googled the name.  My goal was to try and find any resources that I could use for advertising, that wouldn't cost anything.  

Here's what I found:

#1 www.goodreads.com
My links to my books on goodreads:
 Memoirs of a New Age Feral Child
The Black Woman's Guide to Red Flags in Relationships 

#2 Smashwords.com
My link to the one book I have there:
The Black Woman's Guide to Red Flags in Relationships 
(I'll tell you why this is the only book on that site in a little while)

#3 GET REVIEWS ANY WAY YOU CAN! There are book clubs and author groups on Facebook who will read you and give you an honest opinion.  Do a search for groups and get crackin!  Here is an example of a review site I found... African Americans on the Move Book Club they have a website... and when you go there, you can submit your book for review free.  It takes a while for them to get to it, however, once the review is done they'll post it everywhere for you!  This is an amazing resource!  Here is a link to the website, book reviews page! 

#4.... You know, Let's wait on number four... I am beat and it's almost 2 a.m. 

So see you all soon.  Hope I helped, even if it was just a little.
You know, before I let you go, I feel like celebrating!  

A little something I found on the TUBE!  ENJOY!


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